Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter Ilex Berry With Fantail Pussy Willow

We have often wished for the temperate climate of California with the bounty of gorgeous local flowers that seem to proliferate everywhere you look. Then again, we have certain times of the year that we are ecstatic over the wonderful flora we can find right here in the Midwest. December is one of those months where our cups--or vases--runneth over with intriguing specimens like fantail pussy willow and robust branches of winter ilex berries, otherwise known as holly berry. Our local growers deliver these right to our door and we love the way they spark every arrangement where they make an appearance.

Fantail pussy willows are dry and look lovely for as long as you might care to have them around. Ilex berries prefer cool temperatures and will last for weeks if they're watered from time to time and not overheated.  Nestled in evergeens, magnolia leaves, and pinecones, the berries just sing!

When the season is over, set the berries in your yard as a gift to the birds who love them almost as much as we do.

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